Special Offers
Bookshelf - Ptolomeo X4 Opinion Ciatti

This area is addressed to some articles of our showrooms, we offer you at really favourable prices.
If you are looking for a design product at an unrepeatable price, so this part will be surely of your interest.
The discounted amounts are net of transport costs and local taxation.

Write us your request to info@gerosadesign.com.

  • Ptolomeo X4 Opinionciatti

    Bookshelf Ptolomeo X4 Opinionciatti

  • Ptolomeo X4 Opinionciatti

    Bookshelf Ptolomeo X4 Opinionciatti

  • Ptolomeo X4 Opinionciatti

    Bookshelf Ptolomeo X4 Opinionciatti

  • Ptolomeo X4 Opinionciatti

    Bookshelf Ptolomeo X4 Opinionciatti


Ptolomeo X4 Opinion Ciatti

cod. P03ptolomeoX4
cm. 53 x 53 h 114 cm
white, white base
with 8 shelves
Availability: 1
List price
Promotional Price*
*The discounted amounts are net of transport costs and local taxation.

GEROSA DESIGN is a main reference of best design brands in Italy (particularly in Como and Milan), and internationally in all European Union, Switzerland, Asia (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, China, Seoul South Korea), and not only… for the whole Design Collections. Visit our showrooms in Como, a few kilometers from Milan.
For more information about this special offer Ptolomeo X4 Opinion Ciatti or regarding the other products click here below:

Phone (+39) 031 480 476

The amounts are net of transport costs and local taxes.
Write us to know the price included delivery to your home: Phone (+39) 031 480 476

For more information about our proposals don't hesitate to contact us:
FORM            (+39) 031 480 476