Fly Flexform

茶几 Flexform

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Fly Flexform

Fly Flexform

Fly Flexform

Fly Flexform

Fly Flexform

Fly Flexform

Fly Flexform

Fly Flexform

Fly Flexform

Fly Flexform

Fly Flexform

Fly Flexform

FLY is a family of dining tables, end tables and cabinets. Light in its image, solid and architectural in its form, the dining table has a metal base with two legs to support tops in wood – also extendable – or marble. The collection of tables features the same single leg that splits into three feet at the base. The rectangular tables can have a base placed off center with respect to the top. The end tables are idea for use with the many sofas in the collection. FLY also includes a set of low TV cabinets, accessorized with cowhide baskets and enhanced by tops in marble or wood.
在Flexform全系列产品的展示与销售方面,GEROSA DESIGN不仅在区域内(科莫、米兰、瓦雷泽、莱科……),同时在国际上也享有很高的声誉欧洲联盟,瑞士,美利坚合众国,土耳其(安卡拉,伊斯坦布尔),亚洲(台湾,香港,新加坡,日本,中国,韩国,马来西亚,印度尼西亚,泰国,越南),中东(卡塔尔,迪拜和阿拉伯联合酋长国,文莱,巴林)而不仅仅是整个Flexform系列.

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