Infinity Flexform

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Infinity Flexform

Infinity Flexform

Infinity Flexform

Infinity Flexform

Infinity Flexform

Infinity Flexform

Infinity Flexform

Infinity Flexform

Infinity Flexform

Infinity Flexform

Infinity Flexform

The elegance of an essential style becomes multifunctional thanks to Antonio Citterio. His idea was to make this bookshelf customized, versatile and accessorized. Infinity bookshelf is a vertical element that completes FLEXFORM leaving area. INFINITY bookshelf is a system of metal modular containers with unlimited composition possibilities. You can put the objects both on its shelves and in its hide leather boxes. The different dimensions of the units together with the coexistence of metal and hide leather in different colors create a unique bookshelf system.
The first FLEXFORM modular bookshelf has become an iconic piece in the world of furniture.
Bei den Geschäfte GEROSA DESIGN finden Sie die meiste Produkte von Flexform Katalog ausgestellt, da Gerosa Design der zentral Referenz Punkt in Gebiet Nord Italien ist (Como, Milano, Varese, Lecco und Monza und Brianza… ) und als International Referenz Punkt auch in allen europäischen Union, Schweiz, Asia (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, China, Seoul South Korea)…

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