Designer Studio Garcia-Cumini
The hanging lamp Spokes was inspired by images of antique oriental lanterns and less exotic aviaries. The designers observed the spokes of a bicycle wheel and this is what gave the lamp its name. The result is soft shapes and a lightweight lamp which holds the light allowing it to filter out into the room. The lightweight quality of the project combines with the solidity of its forms in metal rod and the practicality of its LED light source allowing it both to light up surfaces perfectly and project an interplay of light and shade onto the walls with a magical multiplication effect. The development of the project into two forms, two sizes and two colour variants highlights its versatility making Spokes particularly suitable for both living spaces and public venues and ideal in large architectural contexts as well in its multiple compositions.
在Foscarini全系列产品的展示与销售方面,GEROSA DESIGN不仅在区域内(科莫、米兰、瓦雷泽、莱科……),同时在国际上也享有很高的声誉欧洲联盟,瑞士,美利坚合众国,土耳其(安卡拉,伊斯坦布尔),亚洲(台湾,香港,新加坡,日本,中国,韩国,马来西亚,印度尼西亚,泰国,越南),中东(卡塔尔,迪拜和阿拉伯联合酋长国,文莱,巴林)而不仅仅是整个Foscarini系列.
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