Masters stool Kartell

凳子 Kartell

Kartell 經銷商

Masters stool Kartell

Masters stool Kartell

Masters stool Kartell

Masters stool Kartell

Masters stool Kartell

Masters stool Kartell

Masters stool Kartell

Masters stool Kartell

Masters stool Kartell

Masters stool Kartell

Masters stool Kartell

Masters stool Kartell

Masters stool Kartell

Masters stool Kartell

Kartell also offers a stool version of the Masters chair, winner of the Good Design Award 2010 and the Red Dot Award 2013, and a worldwide best seller. The legs are lengthened and the seat is shrunk, but the frame's unmistakable graphic look, created by the weave of the silhouettes of three iconic chairs, remains the same. Available in a range of vibrant colours, Masters Stool is ideal for both the home and contract sales, as well as outdoor use.
在Kartell全系列产品的展示与销售方面,GEROSA DESIGN不仅在区域内(科莫、米兰、瓦雷泽、莱科……),同时在国际上也享有很高的声誉欧洲联盟,瑞士,美利坚合众国,土耳其(安卡拉,伊斯坦布尔),亚洲(台湾,香港,新加坡,日本,中国,韩国,马来西亚,印度尼西亚,泰国,越南),中东(卡塔尔,迪拜和阿拉伯联合酋长国,文莱,巴林)而不仅仅是整个Kartell系列.

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