Raimond Moooi

Hängeleuchten Moooi

Händler Moooi

Raimond Moooi

Raimond Moooi

Raimond Moooi

Raimond Moooi

Raimond Moooi

Raimond Moooi

Raimond Moooi

Raimond Moooi

Raimond Moooi

Raimond Moooi

Raimond Moooi

Raimond Moooi

Raimond Moooi

Raimond Moooi

A sphere made of geometric primitives - enthusiasm for mathematics is the source of inspiration of the designer Raimond Puts. With his Raimond pendant light whose perfect round shape consists of triangles only, he memorialized himself. Numerous LED bulbs at the intersections of the triangles provide a magic sphere just like stars in a cloudless night. The Dutch manufacturer Moooi offers the Raimond pendant light in different sizes (Ø 43 cm, Ø 61 cm, Ø 89 cm). Furthermore it is available in a conventional, as well as a dimmable version.
Bei den Geschäfte GEROSA DESIGN finden Sie die meiste Produkte von Moooi Katalog ausgestellt, da Gerosa Design der zentral Referenz Punkt in Gebiet Nord Italien ist (Como, Milano, Varese, Lecco und Monza und Brianza… ) und als International Referenz Punkt auch in allen europäischen Union, Schweiz, Asia (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, China, Seoul South Korea)…

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           (+39) 031 480 476