High Tech rugs are produced with Aquatech and Rope, Paola Lenti signature yarns which provide for high performance in outdoor environments. Aquatech and Rope are resistant to the atmospheric elements and their colours offer a high fastness to sunlight, sea and swimming pool water. High Tech rugs are available in several colours coordinated to the upholstery fabrics of Paola Lenti seating furniture. Long lasting and easy to maintain, these rugs represent a valid alternative also for indoor spaces, both residential and contract. High Tech rugs are available in a wide range of standard dimensions, but can be produced also in custom sizes.
Bei den Geschäfte GEROSA DESIGN finden Sie die meiste Produkte von Paola Lenti Katalog ausgestellt, da Gerosa Design der zentral Referenz Punkt in Gebiet Nord Italien ist (Como, Milano, Varese, Lecco und Monza und Brianza… ) und als International Referenz Punkt auch in allen
europäischen Union, Schweiz, Asia (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, China, Seoul South Korea)…
Für mehrere Informationen, Detail und preise über High Tech Rugs Paola Lenti oder andere Paola Lenti Produkte, bitte unten klicken:
Ph (+39) 031 480 476
