Eames Elephant Vitra

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Eames Elephant Vitra

Eames Elephant Vitra

Eames Elephant Vitra

Eames Elephant Vitra

Eames Elephant Vitra

Eames Elephant Vitra

Eames Elephant Vitra

Eames Elephant Vitra

Eames Elephant Vitra

Eames Elephant Vitra

Almost no other animal enjoys such popularity as the elephant. Admired for its majestic size and loved for its proverbial good-humour, it is part of our everyday experience as a child's cuddly toy, a storybook character and a majestic creature. Charles and Ray Eames also succumbed to their charms and in 1945 designed a toy elephant made of plywood. However, it never made it into mass production. The Eames elephant is now available for the first time in a plastic version for those it was originally intended for: children. Whether used as a toy (also outdoors) or a decorative item in a children's room - this friendly-looking animal with its distinctive, over-sized ears is bound to bring cheer and enjoyment to many a child's and parent's heart.
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